I had the opportunity to take a lunchtime walk around Shoreline Park (Mountain View, CA) recently. I got the chance to play with my new Olympus E-M1 and 40-150mm 2.8 zoom. I thought they performed beautifully.
I am really enjoying the Micro-Four Thirds (MFT) system. The sensor has a 4:3 aspect ratio, which is why you'll notice that many of these photos have a slightly different feel to them. Sometimes I crop to 3:2, sometimes I don't. You'll also notice I'm trying out my new logo watermarks. Is it too obtrusive for a blog post? Let me know what you think in the comments.
The Photos
Gotta mulch somehow
Coots. I love how their beaks pop in black and white.
Barb Wire Bokeh
Coots in color.
The estuary is home to many Snowy White Egrets. As we were leaving, this massive bird came to land just a short distance away.
Bokehlicious fountain fun. What do you think of the slider format?
Don't know what species this is. Do you?
Photowalk friends.

Go anywhere there is a lake, and you will always find geese.
I hope you enjoyed the photos!